How To Jump Rope One-Handed

March 15, 2012 — 15 Comments

There’s nothing like seeing a grown man jump rope.

You’re welcome.

In elementary school I participated in “Jumprope for Life” and I had no problems.  Kids are creative.

Enjoy the video and I’d love to see YOURS!  Post them on the Facebook page!


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

15 responses to How To Jump Rope One-Handed

  1. All I can say is, “Why don’t you have shoes on???”

  2. Thanks for posting these! I’m in a cast for the first time ever and had a tough time finding any resources to help teach all the important stuff. You are helping to make this experience fun not daunting! Thank you!


    • That’s awesome! I mean, not the cast part, but…you know what I mean. 🙂 Glad you found us and that it’s been helpful, Sara!

  3. Lukas Jakabovic March 16, 2012 at 9:34 am

    Another great one! 🙂 Highlight of my Day ( again) :D:D.. Thanks, keep them coming :).. i have also one question, do you work out? Do you plan do make a video of some exercises you do and things like that? Thanks :)..

  4. LOVE IT!! Thanks for the warm weather activity tips!

  5. Charlotte Hudson March 17, 2012 at 12:01 am

    You are an inspiration to us all!

  6. Great one, Ryan! I love the shirt!

  7. Cecile Thompson March 17, 2012 at 6:50 pm

    Awsome! Thank you so much for your videos, my grandson has a little left hand and thanks to your videos, I showed him how to cut meat. Now I can show him how to jump rope.

  8. Hey there! I just wanted to thank you, I am a therapist looking for ideas for a student of mine. Tying shoes has been so hard, you have helped so much. Love your tude as well!

  9. My Adrian, who is 4 years old, is one handed and we watched “How to Play Piano One Handed” together. Then we were looking at your site and we watched “How to Jump Rope One Handed” and he wants to make a video after he learns to jump rope. He also said, “I want a piano!”
    So inspiring!

    • You rock Ryan!!! – I was wondering how my son Jack was going to tackle this activity… and was considering some sort of aid or prosthetic device. I’m going to show him your vid tonight!

  10. Thanks Ryan!:)..My daughter is five and heading to Kindergarten (I’m sure there will be lots of skipping rope) .she’s always wanted to learn and I figured she’d figure it out cause I wasn’t sure how to teach her..this will help!:)

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