You Don’t Suck As A Mom

May 12, 2013 — 6 Comments

If you’re not a mom, this’ll probably be weird to read.  That said, if you have a mom or you know a mom, you should totally have them read this.

So, here’s the deal: Moms are awesome.

And let’s get this out of the way, too: My wife, mom, step-mom and mother-in-law are the best.

Ok, now let’s get to you.

You’re an awesome mom. I don’t care if you feel like you suck as a mom or not; you’re awesome. Do you yell at your kids sometimes? Do you park yourself on the couch and tell your kids it’s ok to watch Netflix for a couple hours sometimes? Do you wish your kids could spend the year at your parents’ sometimes? Do you read blogs and magazines and think to yourself, “I’M THE WORST MOTHER IN THE WORLD!” sometimes?

Sure. My understanding is that all mothers do this.

Well, except for the ones in the magazines.

I just want to tell you right now that feeling these things doesn’t make you suck as a mom. It makes you human. It makes you a woman who does more for her family than can be adequately quantified. You deal with more crap, literally and figuratively, than most men can comprehend.

Let’s be honest…you probably won’t receive as much recognition as you deserve today. In fact, you’re probably going to have to clean-up after your kids and husband who have made you breakfast. A breakfast you might enjoy half of, by the way. I actually just now asked my wife what she wants for breakfast. I figure it’s better she gets what she wants than me and the kids making a bunch of stuff she won’t like. Magical!

Anyway, that’s why I wanted to tell you you’re awesome. Hopefully your family will do something nice for you. You deserve it. I don’t even know you (probably) and I’m still confident in that fact. You’re doing your best. And even when you feel like you’re not doing your best, you want to be.

And here’s the truth:

You are enough. Will you keep growing and learning and gaining wisdom through experience? Of course. But right now, today, the woman you are is enough. Please take time to appreciate yourself. Take time today to remember what you love about your kids. Be proud of all you’ve accomplished so far and look forward to all that lies ahead. Treat yourself to something that will make you smile.

In the last year and a half I have come into contact with so many amazing mothers because of Living One-Handed. Mothers who share their struggles and successes in regards to raising kids who are different. I see mothers helping each other on a daily basis. It’s incredible. And you know what? None of them think they’re amazing. They’re just moms doing what moms do. Well, I have news for you…

You are amazing.

All of you.

Happy Mother’s day!

My mom on her birthday last month. Doesn't she look fantastic?!

My mom on her birthday, 2013


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

6 responses to You Don’t Suck As A Mom

  1. Of course she looks wonderful,,,she’s in mom heaven, surrounded by her kids.

  2. Ha! I read this as I took a break from cleaning up the breakfast my husband (and two little kids) made for me this morning… Happy Mother’s Day!
    xo-Kerstin, Berkeley, CA

  3. Hey Ryan…this was so great! I kind of think you wrote it for me, specifically. Hahaha!! Elise

  4. Thank you for the great writing – it reminds me of how wonderful being a mom is – even with all the “crap” !!!

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