How To Zip A Coat One-Handed

February 12, 2012 — 13 Comments

A number of people have asked me how I zip my coat.

Here it is:

Remember, this is just how I do it.  However you do it is great!


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

13 responses to How To Zip A Coat One-Handed

  1. Hi, thx for the tip with velcro. My son is two years old now so soon it is time for him to practice getting dressed by himself.

    Milou has only one full arm and another very tiny hand. So in realtity it is only one hand that really can do anything.

  2. Hmm. Very interesting. As someone who has previously invented items for those with only one hand, I can’t help but feel I could well… lend a hand… Thanks Ryan!

  3. Thanks for this. I can’t get enough of the how-to videos. The only draw back is that I can’t get the little tune of “doin’ things one handed – bing!” out of my head. LOL What can I say, its catchy!

    I just did a little post on my blog with a bunch of links to your videos. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Don’t lie, Ryan, you have your wife do it, don’t you? :)) Just curious, do you get aggravated with long sleeves on your “strong arm” (that is what we call my sons little arm, LBE, just like yours)? I cut all of his long sleeves, but when it comes to jackets it gets pretty tricky. Thanks for your posts.

  5. Love your videos and attitude. I recently became an RAE amputee, so I don’t have enough stump for your method. I can do a fleece jacket by sitting down, starting the zipper, then holding it together while I take the ribbon zipper pull in my teeth and pull it all the way up to the top of my neck. 🙂 I haven’t tried a coat, will just go unzipped till I can get one that snaps or velcros.

  6. Hi Ryan,
    Thanks for your post!
    I recently directed a parent of a client of mine to your link. The little girl is in kindergarten and was born with an under development right hand. Do you think your method would be possible with the other hand? Perhaps her best bet is to buy a coat with a zipper that is on the right side…

  7. “leather coat for how have only one hand”
    Thank you
    I drive all motorcycle what one hand I wish they had A you could zip up one handed. 30 years ago I had a CVA. Oh well thank you for your video
    Steve Best aka sidecar

  8. Great blog just found it! Thanks for all the advice. Love it

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