Happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2012 — 3 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

The past year has been one of the most eventful of my entire life.  And that’s no exaggeration.

In fact, a year ago today Living One-Handed didn’t yet exist!  The blog went live in December (with this first post about my pants) and it has become one of the best parts of my life.  I’m so thankful for the opportunities I’ve had to meet and help people all over the world who are affected by limb-differences.  I’m thankful for everyone who has shared their story and perspective with me, which has given me a clearer understanding of how limb-difference affects all types of people.  I’m most thankful to have met such amazing leaders in the limb-different community, like Molly, Jen, Tony, Meg, Eric and Sam…and so many others.  You all inspire me beyond what I can say with words.


Best picture ever. Sam (MySpecialHand), Me, Molly and Ryan (LuckyFinProject), Tony and Lesleigh Memmel

I’m also thankful for my family; both immediate and extended.  It’s been a trying year in many ways and our families have stuck-by and supported us and encouraged us, just like good families are meant to do.  I’m thankful for my amazing kids, Sam, Anna, and Claire.  They make me laugh every single day and their care and concern for others is heart-warming.  They take after their mom in that way.


Speaking of…I’m so incredibly thankful for my wife.  Julie and I are coming-up on twelve years together and in many ways it feels like we’re still newlyweds.  Sometimes that’s good, but other times it’s like, “Wait, why don’t we have this figured out yet??”  There’s nobody else I’d rather tackle this challenge we call Life with than her.  She’s an amazing mother.  She’s an incredible friend.  In fact, if I had a nickel for every time I heard, “I love your wife!” I’d be rich.  And let me just say right here, her patience with me is second to none.  She has stood by and supported me while I’ve floundered and helped me out of many a funk.  I’m so grateful for her love and partnership.



And last, but definitely not least, I’m thankful for YOU!  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for being a part of the LOH community.  You mean a lot to me.

Have a great day and try to cut that turkey one-handed!  Good luck!

What about you?  What are you thankful for today?


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

3 responses to Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Keep up all the great writing and work Ryan! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  2. I am so happy to see your blog! I posted a link to it on my son’s Facebook page, which is what he checks all the time, not email. LOL My son Michael was born in Kazakhstan in 1996 and had two hands, but lost his right hand and forearm at the age of 5, to frostbite. He does really well without a prosthetic but he wears one to school because he’s self-conscious.

    He goes to a summer camp for limb difference kids and has a blast every summer. The first year, 2008, he didn’t even want to go and was mad at me for making him but that was just separation anxiety. He bounced off the bus a few days later, all smiles, and was so enthusiastic. They go swimming, water skiing, do a ropes course, ride horses – anything a non limb difference kid would do at camp. He said he felt totally comfortable for the first time in a long time. What a huge blessing bestowed by the folks at Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta.

    Now Michael is a champion tennis player and he is on the wrestling team at school this year. He loves sports and his hand doesn’t stop him from doing anything. He also likes baseball and played on a church team for two years.

    Anyway, I love your blog and I will encourage Michael to read it because he needs role models and you are obviously a great one. Thanks so much for writing this! I’ve save it to my Favorites and subscribed now.

    If you’d like to learn more about my awesome son, check out my blog The Crab Chronicles.


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