left handers day


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I'm a husband, a father, an author, a speaker, a friend...all kinds of things, actually.

3 responses to Happy Left Handers’ Day

  1. The look on your face is priceless! LOL! I have only my real LH working because of a stroke so I sort of relate. But hey I can make lemon aide out of this mess! Keep on, keepin on!

  2. So Alex…were you born right handed?

    My situation is just like Alex’s except my short arm is on the right side. I work at a big university in the prosthetic education department and every once in a while a student will ask, “…were you born left-handed?” And this is after I’ve already explained that my condition is congenital. This is the one question that stops me in my tracks every time.

  3. Man, I’m in exactly the same boat! Only just discovered your blog, I’m slowly getting through the posts. Really cool to see your story and experiences. I run a wee family vlog on our family life, but have always wanted to do something on living with one arm. Looks like you already are!

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